Frequently asked questions about DYI
Q. What is DYI ? what does it do?
DYI is Design Your Interior, it's a form-based tool developed by us to make it easier for you to get a cost estimate or quote for your customize interiors. You can customize each and every room specifically as per your needs. It's fast and easy to use. and provides your quote in just 5 mins. Go Ahed and give it a try.
Q. What things should I know before I start DYI?
It's easier! some basic things you need to know and you are good to go.
1) Your floor plan with room sizes on it (in feet/inches).
2) Little knowledge of service names.
3) Your requirements and their sizes (mostly in inches).
DYI (Design your Interior) at its core is quite sophisticated and does complex work for your requirements. Start with a breeze.
Q. I am unable to fill the DYI, but i still want a quote for my home interior.
No worries! Book a free appointment with our consultant, they will take care of all your needs and provide your quotation.
Q. I am looking for only furniture customization. Can I get a quote for it on DYI ?
Yes! If you want to decide later, you can go with interior solutions where everything, including furniture can be customized.
Or else if you have already decided to look for only furniture customization then you can select furniture solution.
Q. I just want to do the kitchen interior and 1 bedroom furniture only. How to make a quote for it?
Yes, select interior solutions, then select the kitchen and your appropriate bedroom. For your bedroom select all your furniture requirements and keep your interior services empty, you will get quotes for your kitchen interior and bedroom furniture.
Q. My home needs civil work and toilet work. Can DYI provide me a quote?
Verb Interior is committed to providing you end to end solution for all your needs. Our DYI is limited to provide quotes of certain services but civil work and toilet work require physical inspection.
Talk to our designers they can help you with a quotation.
Q. How will I receive my quote?
Your cost estimate will be sent on your email in just 5 mins after you submit your requirement, it's instant! As this is your personalized quote, sending it by email is more secure and safe.